Take, for instance, a delicious chicken sub sandwich! It is filled with everyday veggies giving ... And the best part is, this sub will be ready in just 15 mins! Check out the full recipe below.
Drippy, saucy, crispy decadence is the name of the game in these standout local lunches. They can be found in Fair Lawn, ...
These fun low-carb sandwiches use a giant dill pickle as the "bread" holding in delicious Italian hoagie-style filings alongside a tangy-creamy dipping sauce.
For me, there's nothing better than sinking your teeth into a big sandwich for lunch. But sometimes I get a little tired of ...
It is the foundation, and it is the thing that differentiates a po’boy from a hoagie, a hero, a sub or any other kind of sandwich,” says Ian McNulty, food writer for the news site NOLA.com. “It’s the ...
But as a young man with a voracious appetite, a now sorely missed youthful metabolism and a set amount of meal points that I had to budget each semester, I was drawn to the sandwich chain for its ...