The StoryPoint Troy senior living facility will host a public gala themed around old Hollywood. The Golden Age Gala will run ...
The exquisitely exacting and expensive process (three to four times more costly than reliable black and white) was a major ...
As one of the most innovative figures of Hollywood’s Golden Age, Orson Welles was harshly critical of several of his notable ...
“Packard transformed (the theater) into a singular cinematic vision of bringing people back into feeling the golden age of Hollywood,” said Charlie Dickey, an assistant manager who has worked ...
The Hollywood Golden Age actress, best known for her roles in Alfred Hitchcock’s films “Rebecca” and “Suspicion,” for which she won an Academy Award, owned the coastal home from 1984 ...
Golden Age film star Merle Oberon comes alive in ... A brief engagement with powerful Hollywood executive Joseph Schenck led to her getting a contract in the U.S. She was able to split her time ...
Not only aren’t we in Kansas anymore, we aren’t in Hollywood anymore, at least not the usual black ... whose painterly swatches of shimmering golden-hour hues made Oz look garish. But The Wizard of Oz ...