Straw is easily confused with hay, which contains weed seeds that will contaminate your lawn. Plus, you need to gather up all the straw once blades of grass start popping up through it.
Towards the end of the rainy season, about four months after planting, the seeds from Brachiaria ... nutrient loss to a minimum. Hay is made from fresh grass with a moisture content of 80% by ...
A correspondent inquires of us, " why it is that cattle thrive and get fat much faster on grass than they do on hay, and what it is that grass loses by becoming hay ?" Chemical analysis never can ...
“Livestock producers often tell me their prairie hay or cane hay or other grass hay looks really good but when a lab tested it the relative feed value, also called RFV, was surprisingly low ...
Zenith zoysia grass (Zoysia japonica ... Then, add a layer of wheat straw (not hay, which contains seeds) to help the soil ...