IPOH: Security at the border towns between the country and Thailand will be beefed up following a kidnapping attempt of a young girl in Gerik. Perak police chief Comm Datuk Azizi Mat Aris said ...
IPOH: A 54-year-old local man has been found dead after a tiger attack in Gerik. Perak police chief Comm Datuk Azizi Mat Aris said the incident occurred before dawn on Tuesday (Oct 15) near a ...
IPOH - Bekas Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Titi Serong membuat laporan polis terhadap Pas Kawasan Gerik selepas dipercayai membuat tuduhan tidak berasas berkait teks khutbah disediakan Jabatan ...
These so-called ‘big brothers’ pose significant safety risks and can cause property damage, making their presence a pressing ...
IPOH, Jan 3 (Bernama) -- Two local men were arrested on suspicion of stealing Telekom Malaysia cables at Jalan Raya Timur Barat (JRTB) Gerik-Jeli early today. Gerik District police chief Supt Zulkifli ...
IPOH - Sebanyak 238 jerat haiwan berjaya dikesan dan dimusnahkan di Hutan Simpan Royal Belum, Gerik yang merupakan habitat kepada spesies Harimau ...