Eleanor Roosevelt, Author, David Emblidge, Editor, David Elmblidge, Editor Pharos Books $19.95 (0p) ISBN 978-0-88687-457-5 This second collection of syndicated columns, which kept Eleanor ...
Lee Wind asserts the books he writes could have changed his life back when he was a "young Gay Jewish kid."  His books preach ...
In one instance, she curiously opened a book. Immediately ... In her 1952 "My Day" column, Eleanor Roosevelt lamented an instance in which a school in Englewood, New Jersey, cancelled an ...
Eleanor Roosevelt talks about how the happiest moments of her days were when she would take a book out of the library, which wasn't censored. And she actually in later years writes articles about ...
Eleanor Roosevelt by Bernard T. Frydrysiak, 1946; Oil on canvas; Ford and Marni Roosevelt In 1933, she became First Lady of the United States and feared the change it would bring to her life.
“The First Ladies,” about the friendship between Eleanor Roosevelt and civil rights activist Mary McLeod Bethune. The authors each have published numerous books on their own.
The Eleanor Roosevelt Center and the Fisher Center at Bard College will present the inaugural Eleanor Roosevelt Banned Book Awards ...
Eleanor Roosevelt proves the undoing of Nazis who ... Elliott Roosevelt, Author, William Harrington, Editor Thomas Dunne Books $23.95 (232p) ISBN 978-0-312-27499-3 Murder at the President's ...