Zepto reported a 120 per cent increase in operating revenue to Rs 4,454 crore in FY24. The company also proposes to launch a separate app for Zepto Cafe, which is engaged in quick delivery of ...
BENGALURU: Quick commerce platform Zepto sees second top-level exit in less than one month. Jitendra Bagga, who was the VP of central operations, has quit after his nine-month tenure with the company.
A viral Reddit post questioning Zepto’s billing calculations has sparked reactions, with users highlighting discrepancies in the app’s confusing savings claims. A user took to Reddit ...
Quick commerce platform Zepto is likely to file its initial public offering (IPO) draft papers in March or April this year, the Economic Times reported citing sources. The delivery company has ...
Jitendra Bagga has quit as the vice-president of central operations at Zepto after spending nine months with the quick commerce unicorn, sources told Moneycontrol. Bagga was heading mother hubs ...