The planets in our solar system orbit around the sun at different speeds along different paths. “But occasionally they’re ...
Both Venus and Saturn will be in the Aquarius constellation, the water bearer, during their close approach. To help spot it, ...
A rare astronomical event will light up the night sky in January as six planets will be visible from the naked eye in what is ...
I pick out North America’s celestial highlights for the week ahead (which also apply to mid-northern latitudes in the ...
Alignments of five or more planets are rare—there will be two more featuring five or more planets this year, but after that ...
Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn can be spotted without special equipment, with Uranus and Neptune requiring a telescope.
A newly-discovered comet might light up the night sky in the coming weeks, possibly shining even brighter than the planet ...
On Friday (Jan. 10), the moon will pass near Jupiter, meeting up with the gas giant in the constellation Taurus. Viewers can ...
Plus: Saturn’s moon Iapetus is visible, our Moon passes the bright star Spica, and Mars skims south of Pollux in Gemini in ...
The show is a collaboration between Waterfall Arts in Belfast, the Union of Maine Visual Artists and Dark Sky Maine.