Recent studies have shown that carbon stocks in terrestrial ecosystems are increasing, mitigating around 30% of the CO2 ...
After legislators ignored protections to the Mahomet Aquifer last year, a bill to protect the supply from carbon ...
By: Leslie Bonilla Muñiz and Niki Kelly  Indiana Capital Chronicle For The Republic INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana’s Senate on ...
In a study published in Restoration Ecology, researchers from the University of Eastern Finland measured post-restoration ...
Sinking rocks, nutrients, crop waste or seaweed in the ocean could lock away climate-warming carbon dioxide for centuries or more.
You’re not voting for or against sequestration. That is over,” he told fellow House members. “You’re voting for who plays and ...
In a vocal reminder of the challenges facing an industry seen as boosting Kern County's economy, opponents of carbon capture ...
Associate Professor Konstantinos Vogiatzis' lab in the Department of Chemistry is leveraging computational chemistry to ...
Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) is a process which captures carbon dioxide from industry emissions and injects the CO2 ...
Carbon capture and sequestration is a process which captures carbon dioxide from industry emissions and injects the CO2 deep into the ground by way of Class VI injection wells. It is an unproven ...