Il cda del colosso francese della moda proporrà all’assembla l’innalzamento dell’età limite del ceo da 80 a 85 anni. Il ...
ROMA – Si allontana la pensione per Bernard Arnault. L’amministratore delegato di Lvmh, leader mondiale del lusso, ha ...
Lvmh rinnova i vertici: Damien Bertrand passa a Louis Vuitton, Frédéric Arnault prende le redini di Loro Piana e ...
Bernard Arnault potrebbe rimanere a capo di Lvmh ancora a lungo. Il CEO del numero uno del lusso, oggi 76enne, ...
La strategia di Bernard Arnault: dare maggior spazio ai suoi figli e di puntare in primis sulla divisione moda del gruppo. Ma ...
Shareholders will reportedly be asked to approve a resolution to extend the age limit for Bernard Arnault's term as CEO of ...
Bernard Arnault, the billionaire CEO and chairman of French luxury giant LVMH, is shuffling one of his children around at his companies again. Frédéric Arnault, the chief executive's 30-year-old ...
Is 85 the new 65? Bernard Arnault, CEO and chairman of the French luxury conglomerate LVMH (LVMHF), sure hopes so. The 76-year-old billionaire is once again asking shareholders to extend his impending ...
Lvmh rinnova i vertici: Damien Bertrand passa a Louis Vuitton, Frédéric Arnault prende le redini di Loro Piana e ...
Frederic Arnault, who currently leads LVMH’s watches division, will replace Damien Bertrand as chief executive of Loro Piana on June 10. Bertrand is being promoted to deputy CEO of Louis Vuitton ...
French luxury giant LVMH is trying to keep Bernard Arnault, 76, in charge for nearly a decade more. LVMH is trying to amend its company bylaws to raise the age limit for its chairman and CEO to 85 ...