After releasing it in theatres on December 20, 2024, the makers of Allari Naresh and Amritha Aiyer's film Bachhala Malli have announced the date of its debut on the OTT platform. Here's when and where ...
Actor Allari Nareshs Telugu film Bachchala Malli, written and directed by Subbu Mangadevv, is now streaming on OTT platforms.
Excitement is reaching its peak as the highly anticipated film 'Hanu-Man', starring Teja Sajja and Amritha Aiyer in pivotal roles, gears up for its world television premiere. Scheduled to air on ...
Bachhala Malli OTT release: Directed by Subbu Mangadevvi, the action-drama was released in theatres on December 20 and received mixed reviews. Bachhala Malli OTT release: Subbu Mangadevvi’s ...