AI tools, tips and tricks to help authors write, edit, and market their books more efficiently while boosting creativity. AI ...
Discover how to write a high-quality book with AI! Learn tools, tips, and techniques to enhance creativity and streamline ...
Maybe this was something that was waiting to happen. With the rapid influx of AI technologies and competitors such as Audible ..., which sells courses and tools for generating AI-written books, is under investigation for alleged aggressive ...
Microsoft surveyed professional writers and readers about the use of AI writing tools. What each group had to say might ...
Erika Swyler, author of 'We Lived on the Horizon,' recommends her favorite books examining the impact of artificial intelligence on our lives and humanity ...
Google handed out booklets about how to write successful AI prompts at ... to see the biggest takeaways (yes, we prompted AI to summarize a book about AI prompts). Here's what it said in response.