The basic standards of academic integrity were ratified by the Faculty Senate on May 13, 1992, and are the framework within which the undergraduate and graduate schools of the University operate.
A new phone number and email address have been established to facilitate the reporting of student academic integrity issues. Individuals can email a concern to
[email protected] or call ...
If a student is uncertain about an issue of academic integrity, they should consult the faculty member to resolve questions in any situation prior to the submission of the academic exercise.
I will admit that when I was teaching four sections of writing-intensive courses (predominantly first-year writing) per semester, I spent very little time worrying about quote-unquote “academic ...
Please know that the academic integrity staff will help students navigate these feelings, answer questions, explain the process, and provide information so that students can make a choice about how to ...
Additionally, either the instructor or the student may consult with the Office of Academic Integrity (OAI) for guidance and assistance. If an instructor has reason to believe a student may have ...
After calling for nominations and setting up an E-board, Winifred planned an inaugural event called “To Act or Not to Act” which featured a panel discussion on improving academic integrity in the ...
In his speech at the forum, the Chairman of the Board of Maqsut Narikbayev University Talgat Narikbayev emphasized that the ...
Violations of academic integrity are among the most serious offenses that students can commit; any violation may result in consequences at both the course and institutional levels. Procedures, ...
Academic integrity is violated by any dishonest act which is committed in an academic context including, but not restricted to, the following: Plagiarism is the act of taking the words, ideas, data, ...
For privacy, you can exit at any time. What is an academic integrity violation? Academic integrity at Northwestern is based on a respect for individual achievement that lies at the heart of academic ...
The Statement on Intellectual Honesty is Dalhousie's main academic integrity policy for students and includes definitions of types of academic offences and penalties. Visit the Academic Calendar to ...