When asked about the 6502, his reply was that he was more proud of the peripherals, the Input/Output (I/O) chips that supported a microprocessor. These support chips made it possible for a user to ...
[Dirk] has some great documentation to go with his computer. He started with a classic MOS 6502 processor. He surrounded the processor with a number of support chips correct for the early 80’s ...
The Z80 changed all that - its suitability for a minimalist design coupled with its own low cost gave it a market at the very ...
The Apple II’s central processor unit was based on a MOS 6502 CPU. It came with 4 KB of RAM, which could be increased to 48 KB. In addition, it came with a BASIC interpreter, the ability to ...
Merlin was a macroassembler developed by mathematics professor Glen Bredon, initially running on the Apple II family under DOS 3.3, for the 6502 processor. The product was published commercially ...